Hi folks
A few days ago I shared on my Facebook page that I was up to something with some very strange tools! Sometimes I take a break from my usual art to do some experimenting. This was extra fun! Here is what I doing! I thought you might like to see my process for making an Acrylic Paint Pour.
This is the first time I used have every used Floetrol for an Acrylic Paint Pour. In this video (my first every how to… I did a swipe, a feather string pull and a flip cup at the end. It was my first time getting real cells and I think the results are AMAZING!!! Here is the recipe I used for this video. Items needed: Floetrol for latex paint, acrylic paint (I used Liquitex Basics), water, rubbing alcohol and silicone oil (treadmill lubricant). I mixed my paint with the Floetrol before adding other products to prevent changes in the structure of the acrylics. I used 2 parts Floetrol to 1 part paint, 1 part water and 1 part alcohol (I used a 1 ounce measure), then added 2-3 drops of silicon. To get larger cells you do not stir the silicon when you add it to the paint. Once paint was applied to the canvas I used a heat source to bring out some cells and pop the bubbles in the paint. In a few days I will cover the pours with some resin.
You can watch the video here ——> https://youtu.be/A0598E5NHYM
The following tools were used
Thanks to my hubby for videotaping! I hope you make your own fluid art and if you do please share them on my Facebook page!
NOTE: Please remember to protect yourself from the risk of using chemicals. I highly recommend using goggles, gloves and even a mask in a ventilated room.
Thanks for checking it out! If you like it please comment, share and don’t forget to subscribe to my Youtube Channel so you can keep up to date on my painting endeavours!
Take care!
Artfully Yours