Hi folks! It has been quite a while since I’ve blogged! Summer has been quite busy travelling for work but I have finally settled down!
After 200+ hours (started in January lol) I am finaly finished my latest painting! It is a 36 x 48 (3ftx4ft) Acrylic called “Hometown”! This is the largest canvas I have ever painted. I learned quite a lot painting this one and I’m super proud of the water! If you have read my previous blog called “Water, Water Everywhere” you know painting water is one of my struggles.
I thouroughly enjoyed painting this one although it felt like I would never finish 🙂 Here is a video where you can see the progression of painting “Hometown”
I hope you like this one! Let me know what you think!
Artfully yours,
Awesome, painting!! Love it!!
Thanks for reading Jean! I love this one too!